
CORRE Needs Your Help

The Coalition of Oak Ridge Retired Employees (CORRE) needs your help. Our mission is to protect, preserve and enhance the retirement benefits of the retirees of the three Oak Ridge plants.

As you know inflation has grown to the highest rate in 40 years. As a result, we (CORRE) recently prepared and delivered a package of information and data to support legislative corrective action concerning needed improvement of our pension and health care benefits for all our retirees. This package was sent to several of our Congressional Representatives.

We are asking you to please prepare and send an email or letter to each of our U.S. Congressional members. In your request for their support for adjustments to our retiree benefits please feel free to use the attached form letter or prepare one in your own words expressing how inflation has impacted your finances and quality of life in retirement.

Please mail these letters to the addresses shown below for your Congressional members.

Thank you for your help in this very important matter.

Dave Whitehead, CORRE Board of Directors President

2015 CNS Pension Funding
Annual Funding Notice for The Retirement Program Plan for Employees of Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC.

Letter from Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell to Shirley Hendrix
ORNL Retiree, March 23, 2011

Letter from Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell to Shirley Hendrix
ORNL Retiree, March 23, 201