
On June 25, 2009, the State of Tennessee passed House Joint Resolution No. 69 (sponsored by Representatives Dennis Ferguson, Mike Turner, and Bill Dunn and Senators Ken Yager and Tim Burchett) urging Congress to adjust the retirement benefits of former United States Department of Energy Oak Ridge Prime contactor employees.

The members of these two bodies urge the members of the United States Congress, especially those members of the Tennessee Congressional Delegation, the United Staters Secretary of Energy, the Oak Ridge Operations Office, and the current Department of Energy prime contractors to:

Provide for fair, equitable, and competitive retirement benefits for former and present Oak Ridge United States Department contract employees

Assure that the pension funds are only used for the benefit of retirees

Immediately grant pension adjustments to all retirees to restore approximately 75 percent of inflationary losses in purchasing power relative to original pension value

Grant all retirees the same flat 2 percent rate surviving spousal option that was granted to active employees in July of 2004

Provide for future biannual cost of living adjustments to the pensions of United States Department of energy Oak Ridge prime contractor retirees, so as to restore 75 percent of inflationary losses in purchasing power relative to original pension values.

View House Joint Resolution No. 69 (PDF).