Meeting Minutes January 2019

January 16, 2019
10:00 AM

UT Resource Center (Conference Room)
1201 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge

Present: Angelelli, Emery, Gibson, Hightower, Honeycutt, Kibbe, Mason ,McGrory , McRae, Morrow, Peterson, Petrie, Randolph, Tilley, Whitehead, Whitley


1. Call to order at 10:02
2. Minutes for October board meeting approved.
Minutes for annual meeting as amended approved.
3. Treasurer’s report approved.
Need for monthly listing of income and expenditures discussed. Desire expressed to show annual income and expenditure at Annual Meeting rather than cumulative values from inception.

4. Contractor Contacts
a. CNS meeting is scheduled for Feb 28. Discussion will cover stipend changes needed and will ask for data justifying no change. Whitley to confirm that this is not a teleconference meeting. Mason had a message from AON apologizing that a 2017 claim had been denied. He was unaware of a problem. The meeting with CNS should have examples of these types of issues before the meeting. Gibson recommended asking CNS to develop a published description of CNS Benefits Plans for retirees.
b. NSPS: The new contractor replacing NSPS is GOLDEN SVCS, LLC.
c. UCOR: There have been several small upsets in UCOR insurance billings. John Hickey is resolving these. AGRE is having issues similar to CORRE’s with regard to e-mails. AGRE has periodic meetings with UCOR staff.
d. UTBattelle: Mike Emery reported that Scott McIntyre thanked CORRE for help in locating retirees transferring from NSPS to UTB. UTB has a new HR director.
5. Committee Reports
a. Planning: Luther Gibson has reviewed minutes of last year’s planning committee and will start calling meetings of the new planning committee.
b. Nominations: Joe Sherrod could not be at today’s meeting but will start the process before next board meeting.
c. Communications: Whitley reported that we should coordinate with the Cold War Patriots meetings with area retirees to recruit new members. We need to have copies of a new brochure printed. Now that we know the new security contactor we have all the information we need. Hightower will send the board an electronic copy of our brochure to get comments from the members.
d. Web Site: Danny Honeycutt has been able to change contents of the current web page. Hightower will draft a revised front page, to be reviewed by Whitehead, and forward to Honeycutt.
e. Other DOE Sites: No report.
f. Legislative Liaison: No report.
g. Annual Meeting: We need to select an alternate site from Pollard Auditorium for the upcoming annual meeting. The New Hope Center would be a suitable site with the meeting to be held on a Friday. A smaller venue might work better. We need to address the problem of low attendance; consider a questionnaire asking for reasons for not attending.
h. Constitution and By Laws Review: JoeMcGrory will start the review process.
i. Pension Fund Analysis: Luther Gibson will prepare some analysis of Dept. of Labor Form 5500 to improve our understanding of pension information.
6. Other Business
a. Meeting location in Feb. and Mar. Hightower will get a schedule of availability for the ETEC Conference Room.
b. NSPS Relacement: GOLDEN SVCS, LLC.
c. Deceased Member Purge from E-mail Lists: We a board work session to review Judy Kibbe’s list of e-mails.
d. Annual Report: We need a list of board members with mailing addresses and contact information. Tony Angelelli will prepare this.
e. Luther Gibson proposed we ask the contractors to set up periodic meetings with retirees to discuss benefit plans. There is a lot of basic information (e.g., retirees not knowing name of company administering benefit plans) that retirees are confused about. Pete suggested that we might have a place on the annual meeting agenda for each of the contractors to discuss this. Dave Whitehead to modify Gibson’s letter.
f. Liability Insurance: After discussion the sense of the board was that insurance was not needed.